
Product Item Models


This provides an overview of the models used to represent product items within the Linns Data Pipeline project. These models define the structure of tables in the database. Ensure you have read the Introduction before continuing



The Inventory model represents the product inventory table in the database. It stores essential information about each product item.


  • pkStockItemID (str): Primary key for the inventory item.
  • ItemNumber (str): The item number.
  • ItemTitle (str): The item title.
  • CategoryName (str): The category name.
  • BarcodeNumber (str): The barcode number.
  • MetaData (str): The metadata for the item.
  • PurchasePrice (int): The purchase price of the item.
  • RetailPrice (int): The retail price of the item.
  • Quantity (int): The quantity of the item.
  • weight (str): The weight of the item.


The Locations model represents the locations table in the database, storing information about different product locations.


  • LocationID (str): Primary key for the location.
  • LocationName (str): The name of the location.


The StockLevels model represents the stock levels table in the database, tracking product stock levels at various locations.


  • id (int): The primary key for the stock level.
  • fkStockItemID (str): Foreign key referencing the Inventory table's pkStockItemID.
  • fkLocationID (str): Foreign key referencing the locations table's LocationID.
  • StockLevel (int): The stock level for the item at the location.
  • MinimumLevel (int): The minimum stock level for the item at the location.


The ItemExtendedProperties model represents the item extended properties table in the database, capturing additional properties for each product item.


  • id (int): The primary key for the extended property.
  • propertyName (str): The name of the extended property.
  • propertyValue (str): The value of the extended property.
  • fkStockItemID (str): Foreign key referencing the Inventory table's pkStockItemID.


The Images model represents the images table in the database, storing information about product images.


  • id (int): The primary key for the image.
  • fkStockItemID (str): Foreign key referencing the Inventory table's pkStockItemID.
  • Source (str): The image source.
  • FullSource (str): The full image source.
  • SortOrder (int): The sort order of the image.
  • IsMain (bool): Indicates if the image is the main image.


The ItemChannelTitles model represents the item channel titles table in the database, recording titles associated with product items on various channels.


  • id (int): The primary key for the item channel title.
  • Source (str): The source of the item channel title.
  • SubSource (str): The sub-source of the item channel title.
  • fkStockItemID (str): Foreign key referencing the Inventory table's pkStockItemID.
  • Title (str): The title of the item channel.


The ItemChannelDescription model represents the item channel description table in the database, storing descriptions associated with product items on various channels.


  • id (int): The primary key for the item channel description.
  • Source (str): The source of the item channel description.
  • SubSource (str): The sub-source of the item channel description.
  • fkStockItemID (str): Foreign key referencing the Inventory table's pkStockItemID.
  • Description (str): The description of the item channel.


The ItemChannelPrices model represents the item channel prices table in the database, keeping track of prices for product items on various channels.


  • id (int): The primary key for the item channel price.
  • Source (str): The source of the item channel price.
  • SubSource (str): The sub-source of the item channel price.
  • fkStockItemID (str): Foreign key referencing the Inventory table's pkStockItemID.
  • Price (int): The price of the item channel.

These models define the structure of the database tables used to store product-related information within the Linns Data Pipeline project.